Letter: St. Clair has strong record on climate policy


As I write this letter, the Puget Sound region’s air quality is rated as among the worst in the world. Our forests are burning, we are being advised to stay indoors for our health, there wasn’t any measurable rain in over three months and we have just experienced the hottest October ever.

I would just like to remind people that Island County Commissioner Janet St Clair is the sole commissioner who has worked to advance climate action here in Island County, who knows the science, who obtained a grant to update local data and who has consistently advocated for local climate action. Her record is one of working to ensure that our communities are resilient and that the county is working to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, her opponent, Tim Hazelo, has a long history of questioning climate science. More recently he’s mocked St. Clair’s climate action advocacy.

The choice could not be more clear. Re-elect Janet St Clair for Island County commissioner.

Kim Drury
