Letter: Souless money-grubbing people rule in U.S. today


A journalist, whose words in our free press had exposed abuses and excesses of the absolute rulers of Saudi Arabia, was most likely murdered by order of the head of the Saudi royal family. He was killed while on a visit to a Saudi consulate in Turkey to obtain a marriage document.

The U.S. president explained that a $110 billion arms sale to the Saudis would not be canceled in response to this heinous crime. As he explained, American business concerns will profit handsomely from the deal, and if we don’t sell the Saudis these weapons, the Chinese or Russians will.

With this it was once again made clear that souless, money-grubbing people rule in America today.

Any of us with even a shred of conscience know how wrong this is, and our votes in the fall election are one of the ways to make our voices heard in the halls of power.

Michael Seraphinoff
