Letter: Sitting judges endorse Cliff for Superior Court seat

Letter to the Editor


As the current sitting judges of Island County Superior Court, we both highly recommend Carolyn Cliff for the next judge of Island County Superior Court, Department Two.

Carolyn Cliff has shown over the years that she has the integrity, impartiality, competence and diligence needed to be a judge. We have been so impressed with Carolyn Cliff that she is always one of our first choices to be called upon to preside over court when one of us cannot. She has our full confidence.

She is patient, dignified and courteous to everyone. She does not show favoritism or pre-judge any case, attorney or witness. She is fair and impartial. She has taken on complicated and highly controversial cases in the past as an attorney and has shown that she is not swayed by public clamor or fear of criticism. She does what is right, all the time. She always has facts and the law to back up her opinion.

Carolyn Cliff is eminently qualified for the position of judge of Island County Superior Court. She has our full support, and we urge you to vote for Carolyn Cliff for judge.

Vickie J. Churchill, judge

Alan R. Hancock, judge