Letter: ‘Right-wingers’ ignore children


I want to respond to the recent “left-wing loonies” letter. I am a left-wing loony. One of the biggest differences I can see between a right-wing and a left-wing loony relates to child welfare. Too many right-wingers focus their concern exclusively on yet-to-be-born fetuses; they seem to lose interest after they are born. They want strict anti-abortion laws, but detest government welfare programs.

Left-wingers focus on welfare of living children. The letter writer seemed indignant over abortion but uncaring of young children separated from parents. While his concern on abortion is evident, does he as strenuously support government efforts to feed and house young children? Does he as support educating them? Or does he think his duty is done by simply getting them born?

Too many anti-abortionists are also are against contraception, and sex education to them is to simply say “no.”

While I think abortion is regrettable, I think it is really loony to deny people the tools to make abortion unnecessary.

Most importantly, I wish more anti-abortionists would put as much dedication into making a child’s life safe and healthy as they do in having that child come into this world.

Being against abortion, but uncaring about young children forcibly separated from their parents just seems wrong to me.

Jackie Pritchard
