Letter: Return honesty, integrity to government at all levels

Letter to the Editor


I see that a number of signs to re-elect the current president have been removed after his most recent outrage. It is hard to imagine how he still has any supporters left at all. Those who still support him must be victims of, as the president says, herd mentality.

The reason for this letter is not about the president per se, it is about those running in the party of which he is the leader. The sycophants at all levels have encouraged this president to continue to engage in barbarity and scandal, doing nothing to rein him in. It is important that we not vote for any of them.

I did a telephone “survey” recently. It was clear it was no survey, it was a hit piece directed at one particular candidate, Angie Homola.

Those who are familiar with the candidates could clearly see the false representations made. Angie’s opponent demonstrated his ignorance of the duties of a state legislator by misleading statements.

Don’t allow bad government to perpetuate. It is important that we return honesty and integrity to government at all levels. Vote for Democratic candidates.

John Colby Stone
