Letter: Restore democracy by busting the filibuster in Washington, D.C.


We need government to work and express the will of the majority and do the people’s work.

The filibuster originated to prevent progress on the abolishing of slavery. It was used heavily in the Civil Rights era to prevent progress by non-white Americans. At least in those days one had to hold the floor of the Senate in front of 40 percent of your peers, “Mr Smith Goes to Washington”-style.

Now, a senator just calls in, says, “I object,” and the bill never gets a hearing. If he were alive Mr. Smith’s head would explode.

Democracy was designed to prevent tyranny of the majority by the minority. However, in its current form, this is just what the filibuster does and why so many liberals and conservatives alike are calling for reform.

The filibuster, derived from the Dutch word for piracy, has for too long broken Washington, D.C. Let Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell know we want government to work.

It is time to abolish this anti-democratic, democracy buster.

Gary Piazzon
