Letter: Reconsider decision to not endorse Homola for House


I was puzzled and disappointed when I read the Whidbey News-Times’ political endorsements that excluded Angie Homola, a candidate for the 10th district House, Position 1.

The conclusion not to support Homola is perplexing and inconsistent with the reasoning used to endorse the other two candidates for the 10th district, Helen Price-Johnson and Dave Paul.

As the newspaper’s In Our Opinion piece stated, Gilday’s “lack of government experience is a concern,” while Homola “has some valuable local government experience and an unmistakable passion for public service and the environment,” as well as serving as a commissioner “during the difficult period of the Great Recession and understands budgets.”

In addition, Angie Homola disagreed with the federal government’s failed response to the pandemic while Gilday supports policies and procedures that are inconsistent with the public health guidelines.

The only reason given not to support Angie Homola is because a reporter was irritated with her response to a question. I would urge the editorial board to consider a “do over” for this decision and choose the most experienced and passionate candidate for the 10th district, Angie Homola

Chipper Cromley
