Letter: Pool would benefit children and elders


When my family moved to Whidbey Island, I knew I was gaining so much: charming seaside towns, beaches and well-rated schools. A chance to be part of a community where nearly every errand turns into a warm encounter with your neighbor.

But one item on my wish list wasn’t there – a community pool.

I wanted to bring my kids to swim lessons so they could safely navigate the waters all around us. During a cold, rainy afternoon, I wanted to go to family swim in a steamy pool and swim laps while my mind drifts. Most of all, I want my daughter and son to be able to join a swim team like the one I had at Kamiak High School.

Right now, Kamiak’s pool is the closest option for high schoolers on South Whidbey who want to compete. With this bond, our high schoolers will be able to practice locally and all school grades will be able to use the pool for physical education classes.

Swimming is a no-cut sport, giving boys and girls a chance to build fitness and self-confidence during a time where it’s easy to doubt yourself or find harmful outlets for your energy. For girls in particular, playing a high school sport is associated with higher self-esteem and a better body image. Even measures of success like going to college and earning a higher income later in life result from participation in sports.

I want all the kids in our community to have that same opportunity I had. I know it made a difference in my life.

As a teenager, being part of swim team gave me friendships and strengthened my body and mind. When I was a freshman, I looked up in awe to the seniors. And when I was a senior, I mentored the incoming freshman “sisters.”

Life has a funny way of being circular. While swimming laps as a teen, I would see a chatty crew of retired women doing water aerobics and laughing over coffee in the lobby after a workout. I can only hope I find the kind of community I had at 16 when I’m 60. For our Whidbey kids, grownup and elders, I’m voting yes on the pool bond.

Sarah Sluis
