Letter: Our elections should be free of outside influence


Our elections should be free of outside influence. Every attempt is being made by the left to promote their claim of Trump/Russia collusion to influence our presidential election, but after over a year and a half of intense investigation by Robert Mueller and his heavily left-biased staff, no evidence of this has been produced.

On the other hand, these Democrats who are so concerned about Russia are working directly and openly to corrupt our election process by encouraging non-citizens to vote.

Why is it that claimed election interference on behalf of conservatives must be thoroughly investigated, but the Left can openly corrupt the election and it is simply ignored. Democrats fret about the integrity of elections, but rail against voter ID.

That is blatant hypocrisy.

Anyone supporting an ID requirement to vote is called racist by the Left, claiming it suppresses poor blacks, which is hogwash. ID is easily available to all American citizens, and it is already a requirement for many services and benefits.

For years Democrats have fought against election integrity, and they are now openly seeking to register non-citizens in municipal elections.

The mayor of Portland, Me., is pushing to expand voting rights to non-citizens, and non-citizen voting is currently permitted in Chicago and San Francisco, as well as 11 small municipalities in Maryland.

Massachusetts is soon to follow.

How long before Democrats are pushing to allow non-citizens to vote at the state and federal levels? In their quest for power, Democrats again ignore the Constitution, which establishes the right to vote only for U.S. citizens.

As the votes of law-abiding Americans become diluted by the the votes of non-citizens, Americans become more and more disenchanted with the Democrat party, their obstructionism, antics and Socialist agenda.

Americans are also becoming less dependent on the government, something which the Left requires to ensure votes in their favor.

Democrats know they can no longer win with just a citizen vote, so promoting open borders and non-citizen voting may be their only way to win future elections.

Ed Hickey

Oak Harbor