Letter: Olympic runner fortunate she lives in a free country


What a tremendous nation those old dead “white men” created 245 years ago. Their understanding of human nature, tyranny and the need to form a government that allows for the maximum personal freedom, yet provides for public security, is a wonder.

The war against that vision has been tested multiple times. It is again under attack by Marxist ideology. But there is hope.

The example I cite is the response to a young runner named Gwen Berry. Her disrespectful showing at the awards ceremony was roundly condemned by a large segment of the public.

Calls for Berry to be taken off the Olympic team have advanced, but thus far gone unheeded.

What is remarkable is that, while she has incurred the wrath of many, she has not had a knock on her door by government enforcers, been whisked off to some re-education camp or prison and is able to continue her current dislike of the country she represents unimpeded.

Unlike dissenters in China, she has not disappeared.

So, to all of those “woke” people, ask yourself, “where else can someone like Ms. Berry enjoy such freedom?”

Fred Wilferth
