Letter: McKenna’s endorsement of Hannold is telling


I was initially a little surprised to see such a prominent news article about former attorney general Rob McKenna endorsing Rick Hannold.

But, now I get why it was reported as big news. It is indeed newsworthy that a former state attorney general, who says he did a lot of research into Hannold’s record, endorsed him, knowing full well about Hannold’s recent comments, to wit: that a man is a superior choice for county commissioner over a woman. And that Hannold referred to Commissioner Janet St Clair as “evil.” These comments provoked plenty of outrage in the community – but apparently Rob McKenna, with his endorsement, thinks Hannold’s attitude toward women is just fine. I don’t think it’s fine.

Then there’s the fact that the former attorney general, still a major Republican leader, gives such a full throated endorsement to Hannold, despite knowing Hannold’s long record denying climate change science.

Rob McKenna is quoted as saying that Hannold has ”the right principles.” If so, they do not align with modern day science or the people of Island County who have chosen to elect three women as county commissioners.

So, yes, newsworthy indeed and important information for voters.

Kim Drury
