Letter: Mauck supported by officials who worked with him


Kelly Mauck is a proven administrator with a track record of representing the interests of Island County citizens and its government. I find the vitriol being used to attack him to speak far less about Kelly and more about the insecurities of his opponent. Apparently when you can’t compete on merit, the strategy is to attack on baseless accusations.

It’s important to see past today’s political tactics and consider the job and the qualifications and experience of the person applying for it. This is about one thing, and one thing only — hiring the right person to serve your interests equitably and respectfully.

Kelly was Island County’s undersheriff, a job that required him to exercise daily oversight of one of the most complex divisions, the sheriff’s department. In that role he participated in union negotiants, managed employees, demonstrated daily discernment, developed budgets and operated within them.

Kelly is smart. He knows how to make the big things the big things. He is a team-builder who sets high standards for himself and others. I was always proud to have him on the Island County Team because I knew that all his actions and recommendations had the citizens best interests at heart. I respect him.

It is noteworthy that Kelly’s endorsements are made up of bipartisan elected officials who have worked directly with him. Former Sheriff Mark Brown, who worked with him daily, County Commissioner Melanie Bacon, who worked with him directly in her capacity as HR Director, Treasurer Wanda Grone and me, who can both attest to his quick mind, commitment to service, transparency and follow-through.

Being the Island County assessor is an administrative job, of which Kelly is eminently qualified. He has proven through his service that he has the skills needed to succeed in a local government setting. If not, why would all the elected officials who worked alongside him in the past be standing with him as we move Island County forward toward a more responsible, accountable and visionary future?

Kelly Mauk is the right choice for Island County assessor, a position that needs steady and honest leadership focused on service to all.

Jill Johnson

County commissioner