Letter: If you’re a skeptic, read new Climate Assessment


Whatever your opinion about climate change, the report issued last Friday by the U.S. Global Change Research Program is worth your attention.

The Fourth National Climate Assessment is a readable summary written by teams of scientists for each topic.

Each chapter summarizes current understanding of changes that are actually occurring, emerging trends, adaptations and recommendations.

Chapter sections are only a few pages long, and key points are clearly highlighted. Here’s the link: https://nca2018.globalchange.gov/

If you are a skeptic — read it to know what the scientific community is learning.

If you are curious — this is a solid introduction to the topic.

If you are concerned – the adaptations and recommendations sections are especially helpful.

If you and someone else disagree on climate change – read and talk about the report together.

The topic of climate change is too serious not to be taken seriously.

Barbara Bennett
