Letter: Here we go again; another impeachment


Nearly a year ago to the week, this newspaper published a letter I wrote about the 2020 impeachment, the first one, in which the last lines read: “Now, for salvation, Amerikkka turns its face to you, band-armed Republicans, they’re warming in the pen, whole herd of white sheep …”

Here we are again, almost to the year, a second impeachment for “inciting an insurrection” against the American government.

An armed mob incited by a sitting president sought to kill elected federal congressmen and congresswomen.

What we’ve seen in the last four years is the not subtle slide of the Republican Party to fascism, defined in Wikipedia as “a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society …”

Substitute “a political party” for “society” in the above definition and name that party Republican and you have our current state of the union.

Make no mistake about it. This is a civil war; democracy and the rule of law against fascism and the lawless rule of Donald Trump.

The Democrats and those of like-mind defeated fascism this time around.

No small accomplishment.

The system worked.

What happened recently in Georgia with the Democrats picking up two U.S. Senate seats was inspiring coming on the heels of 2020, perhaps the most infamous year in eight decades.

As we look back on the last four years, we see what’s possible in our country, both for good and for bad.

Government incompetence in handling a pandemic has cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

However, we should not lose context. In the last eight presidential elections, the Democrats have won the popular vote seven times.

That’s 88 percent of presidential elections over 28 years.

No fascist lie can change that fact.

We keep voting them out of office, plain and simple.

Finally, of all the corruption, lying and enabling by the Republicans in the last four years, what I will remember most, above all, is they tried to stop the U.S. mail during a presidential election.

That’s like knocking an old lady down trying to cross the street.

Noting more basic or sacred than the daily mail.

We should never forget this simple measure of integrity.

Steven V. Horton
