Letter: Fair elections, smooth transfer of power is what democracy is about


Michael Flynn, former Trump national security adviser — for about a minute — now with his shiny new pardon in tow, has recently been seen on a Fox News want-a-be station, still advising Trump.

This time on how to steal the election from Joe Biden.

That Trump lost, knows he lost, but his ego won’t accept it, does not seem to matter. Flynn’s advise? Send the military into swing states and rerun the election.

Does not matter if the first election was fair and honest, we must do as Trump wants.

Is this how we want our country to be, one step away from a dictatorship?

This is very scary stuff folks, they are playing with fire. As Trump talks with Putin frequently, he is probably getting similar advise there too. This is not the America we want to live in. We do not ignore elections, especially the most transparent one in history.

Fair elections and a smooth transfer of power is what democracy is about. I know this is probably more about Trump’s tantrums than anything else, but we must watch these machinations carefully lest we fall into something none of us want. We must speak up now or live to regret the out come.

We have about a month to go, before the new administration comes in, but as we have seen, a lot of damage can be done in that time. Trump is not god, or even a middling leader.

What he has been is lazy, careless and self absorbed. We are seeing the results: the state the country is now in. We must hold on, the cavalry is coming.

God help us get through these days.

Nancy Mayer
