Letter: Don’t like an opinion? Don’t read it; just don’t censor


First of all, let me say to the Whidbey News-Times readers that I am not very politically inclined. I am not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat.

I am an independent, if that.

However, I came from a communist country where, to this day, one is not allowed to express their opinion like we can in this great country.

There, one risks being ostracized, reported to the authorities spend time in jail or worse.

I was dismayed by a couple of letters to the editor written by Barbara Banfield and Sara Robertson.

Gee I don’t know, but it sounds to me like these two women believe in censorship and in silencing any opinion that they do not like.

I like it better when the good ol’ liberals used to say, “I do not agree with what you say, but I’ll fight for the right for you to say it.”

Man, I do miss those liberals.

We all live on this beautiful island. We are all Americans and God’s children, and we all should try harder to all get along.

If I do not like an article or someone’s opinion in a letter to the editor, I just won’t read it. It’s that simple.

Like the old liberals used to say, “live and let live.”

Luie Ferrer
