Letter: Conspiracy mongers only contributing to our stress


We are weary.

The year past was exceptionally difficult for just about everyone. I can’t imagine how hard it has been on a lot of our health care workers, the unrecognized clerks in the stores we all depend on, the postal workers and the delivery people who have had to deal with enormous increases in work loads.

And, of course, the economic hardships to many and the sadness of not seeing nearly enough of those we really care about and love, sadly in some cases, forever. But what I really don’t understand is why, especially during these extremely trying times, we have to be subjected to so much extra and unnecessary stress.

I’m talking to you, the conspiracy monger; The believer in chem trails, a flat Earth, the deep state, QAnon, pizza joints running pedophile rings in the basement, and equally loony, people who don’t believe in vaccinations.

No wonder that, with a steady spew from Fox News and the like, we have folks that believe the election was rigged, as is being brayed by an unstable Donald Trump, sore loser that he truly is.

If you believe this kind of farcical if not seditious nonsense, I have a request for you: Just stop. We don’t need it. The country doesn’t need it.

Do a little soul searching. Use some critical thinking for a change instead of just believing what you are constantly being fed. We all have real and serious problems to overcome this year.

What we don’t need are your idiotic and baseless beliefs adding to them. Pitch in and help solve them instead of being part of them.

Robert Jobe
