Mr. Seraphinoff’s Op-ed on Jan. 4 is puzzling. How presumptuous to state “everyone is asking.” He can speak for every American? He refers to the “newly installed government.” News flash — inauguration isn’t until Jan. 20. His accusatory remarks on billionaires in the new administration if ominous. How novel and refreshing for an individual to actually work and become wealthy prior to entering politics.
His quote on President-elect Trump’s “tax cut for the rich” is false overused rhetoric. The tax cut applied to each taxpayer who paid income tax. Logically, the amount of the cut is dependent on income.
Mr. Seraphinoff’s comments on resistance if you voted for the loser is disturbing.It’s not surprising that our educational institutions are dominated by the dangerous philosophy that a voter can take drastic measures such as refusal to cooperate with federal authorities. What about non-voters? Way to go, professor.
Mary Wuertz
Oak Harbor