Letter: Children should not be forced to endure face masks


In 1972, I had a college class entitled “crisis biology” in which we were given a study that said, “at the current level of consumption the known reserves of oil will be used up by the turn of the century.”

That “expert” study stuck with me for years. But by the time the year 2000 rolled around, I was thoroughly disenchanted with expert studies that predicted the end of life as we know it.

That brings me to the current masking of the populous. We are told that we have to mask up, but are not even given expert studies to prove that they are effective, much less needed to control COVID-19. It appears that it is mostly political theater since almost every person advocating masks has been caught breaking their own rules.

Watching events where people interact in groups, masks are routinely moved down to shout, talk or take a breath. Some only wear them over their mouth, leaving their nose free to enjoy that life-giving oxygen so necessary for life.

Which brings me to what I believe is the most inhuman and tyrannical of mandates — forcing children to wear masks in school.

How is it beneficial to a growing child to reduce the oxygen they get? Why should the least likely to suffer ill effects from a disease be forced to put on something that more likely will become a breeding ground for germs then a barrier to viruses.

Where are the protectors of the innocent and powerless?

I can only be grateful my children are grown and can think for themselves, but I pity my grandchildren.

Fred Wilferth
