We need T.J. Lamont as commissioner for North Whidbey Fire and Rescue. We need someone who will do what he says after he is in office. Lamont has a proven record of supporting the taxpayer and keeping the expenses down. With the current economy we need someone who will vote against raising our taxes! He did just that!
We need someone who will vote against spending our taxes for needless training facilities that won’t help the public when we call 911. I agree with his priorities. T.J. Lamont wants to provide the best emergency service to the public that we can afford. He will put the money where it will support the taxpayers the best: firefighting and response equipment. That’s what will show up at my door in an emergency when I call 911, not a huge expensive fire station or an extravagant office building. We need to keep Lamont. He has the right priorities: the taxpayer!
Pat Ricketts
Oak Harbor