Kids won’t have a free America

I have two children and four precious grandchildren. In my opinion you (collectively, president and Congress) have literally destroyed their lives. They will never have the opportunities that I had growing up in an America that was free. There is so much government intrusion in our lives today, and you (again collectively) have strapped them with so much indebtedness that they will never be free of government control.

And if that weren’t enough, you are now planning to lay on them a “universal government health care system” that no one has even a hint of how to pay for. The United States has the best health care anywhere on the planet. Our delivery system is seriously compromised and definitely needs to be fixed, but not by pulling out the credit card with absolutely no foreseeable means of paying off.

We have had problems in our country that have been threatening our destruction for years, Social Security and our unfair tax system. None of you who claim to represent us has had the fortitude to address these issues in a rational way because it would threaten your comfortable positional security you hold in representing us.

This is only my personal opinion, but I believe I see clear evidence that you have awakened a sleeping giant and are living in complete denial.

My suggestion on Rep. Larsen is that you make a more concerted effort to hear what the people you are representing are really saying. This is not personally directed to you alone. I believe that both Republicans and Democrats bear significant responsibility. We have strayed very far from the republic that our founding fathers gave us.

Gary C. Robinson

Oak Harbor