Held hostage by health care industry

This is in response to V.L. Hobbs and others who offer secondhand information about Canada’s system when discussing single-payer healthcare. I might toss in a liberal ditto to “think about it.” In defense of Peggy Burton, I happen to know she and her husband were Canadians and know the system.

Think about it. Many of our citizens do not have any insurance and we all are helping them out through subsidized programs. Our hospital emergency rooms are providing minimal care at a higher cost to them and to us. Small Miracles, a nonprofit just for the Coupeville area is a one-time medical emergency safety net. We get many calls from Oak Harbor and have turned them away.

Many doctors do not take Medicare patients and second-tier insurance companies control services provided to patients. For an example some insurance companies do not cover cataract surgery until the patient is unable to pass their driver’s test. How safe is that?

Unless you have exceptional health care insurance like Tri Care for Life, a government (we pay) provider, most of us are held hostage by the medical, pharmaceutical and insurance companies. Already, we are standing in line taking what services we can get. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had the same opportunity? Think about it?

Millie Fonda
