Haugen’s doing a great job, keep her | Letters

A philosophy I ascribe to is readily apparent in our state senatorial race. Our incumbent, Mary Margaret Haugen, has been a productive senator for decades. Island County is often referred to as the “illegitimate child” by statewide legislators, because we have such a small voting population. Power in the Senate is earned both by sonority and productivity. Mary Margaret has both and it is of great importance to Whidbey Island. She delivers! Electing a “newby” to the Senate is like shooting yourself in the foot. Senator Haugen, born and raised in Island County, has never forgotten her roots. She is the chairwoman of the powerful Senate Transportation Committee and is able to influence the budget.

A philosophy I ascribe to is readily apparent in our state senatorial race. Our incumbent, Mary Margaret Haugen, has been a productive senator for decades. Island County is often referred to as the “illegitimate child” by statewide legislators, because we have such a small voting population. Power in the Senate is earned both by sonority and productivity. Mary Margaret has both and it is of great importance to Whidbey Island. She delivers! Electing a “newby” to the Senate is like shooting yourself in the foot. Senator Haugen, born and raised in Island County, has never forgotten her roots. She is the chairwoman of the powerful Senate Transportation Committee and is able to influence the budget.

Island County greatly benefits from that position. Electing a “newby,” no matter how capable, puts Island County at a huge disadvantage. It would take many years for a new Senator to get on a powerful committee and have any influence to help Island County. That’s the reward of having a good incumbent

legislator, always keeping “our” interests in mind. Keep Mary Margaret Haugen in the Senate. .. She’s doing a great job.

M. Lynne Wilcox
Oak Harbor