Halloween is not a holiday

Perhaps staff reporter Ms. Katie McVicker should return to school. But then again in this day of touchy-feely schools, it may not do much good. For her information, Halloween is not a holiday. The only recognized holidays in October is Columbus Day, which was never mentioned in her article.

Perhaps staff reporter Ms. Katie McVicker should return to school. But then again in this day of touchy-feely schools, it may not do much good. For her information, Halloween is not a holiday. The only recognized holidays in October is Columbus Day, which was never mentioned in her article.

She may hold the modern belief that Christopher Columbus was wrong in discovering the New World and all of the modern day attempts to rewrite history. But as a reporter, she has to learn to keep her personal beliefs out of her articles. But again, with modern day reporters, most do not remain unbiased in what they write. So even with the fun articles like hers, one must accept what is written with a grain of salt.

Steve Smith

Oak Harbor