GOP candidate should be taken out like trash | Letter

Donald Trump and his supporters should be deported and dumped in North Korea. It’ll be like taking out the trash. When our country is rid of this garbage, America can heal from the shame of their ingratitude and Republicans can recover from the intoxicating conceit of the disrespectful Democratic who crashed their party.


Donald Trump shockingly said he dislikes war hero John McCain because he was captured, adding he only liked veterans that weren’t caught. When John McCain was shot down over Hanoi he suffered shrapnel wounds and eight broken bones. His wounds untreated, his captors twisted his fractures to torture him. He was held for years in a stinking hell hole with constant beatings and torture. When his captors finally agreed to release him, McCain refused to leave until the other American POWs who were held with him were released first.

His sacrifice was selfless, his suffering was the price of our freedom.

Donald Trump and his supporters should be deported and dumped in North Korea. It’ll be like taking out the trash. When our country is rid of this garbage, America can heal from the shame of their ingratitude and Republicans can recover from the intoxicating conceit of the disrespectful Democratic who crashed their party.

I’m supporting Col. Lindsey Graham, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf War, 33 years in the Air Force Reserves and three terms in the U.S. Senate. Lindsey Graham has always done what Donald Trump can never do — love his country more than himself.

Bola Elting,

Oak Harbor