Get ready to deliver a meal

I would like to address some misconcentions about the proposed Island County property tax increase.

I would like to address some misconcentions about the proposed Island County property tax increase.

It would be naive to assume that passage of Prop. 1 will only affect property owners since a landlord would iikeiy pass an increase on to a renter.

In a letter published July 28, Bill Thorn said, “Even with this increase, Island County will still have one of the five lowest property tax rates in the state.”

This is not an accurate statement as it only reflects Island County’s current expense fund, not the total property tax rate. Given the statistics published by the Washington State Department of Revenue, Island County’s property taxes rank as the ninth highest.

The county commissioners have raised property taxes in road levies, current expense fund, and Conservation Futures over the past couple of years. They should have planned better for today’s predicament.

I would like to respond to the accusation that opponents of Prop. 1 are “totally heartless: and denying our elderly neighbors meals on wheels.”

I would suggest that vou deliver a meal to your neighbor rather than rely on the government to do it.

Gary Wray
