On behalf of over 2,300 charitable organizations that were part of the 2009-2010 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) of Island County, I would like to thank the federal employees of Island County that participated in this year’s fund drive at Naval Air Station Whidbey and the U.S. Postal Services of Island County.
The theme this year was “iCan, Now More Than Ever.” The federal community took their theme to heart and raised $352,000, going over their goal by 25 percent and raising $70,000 more than the previous year. The federal employees of Island County contributed their time, talent and treasure to benefit local, national and international charitable organizations that participated in the local CFC of Island County.
Thanks to the NAS Whidbey for chairing this extraordinary effort and providing the “Loaned Executive,” Lt. Brandon Sheets assisted by YNCS Diana Hutchins. Lt. Sheets and YNCS Hutchins trained, led and motivated the unit coordinators and key workers who made this year’s CFC a huge success.
This year’s CFC effort would not be possible without the year-round support and guidance of the Local Federal Coordinating Committee that oversees the CFC. Those members were Capt. Gerral David, Lt. Brandon Sheets, YNCS Diana Hutchins, Karen Datin, Sandy Griffith, AWO1 Melissa Larose and ABHC Darren Hardman.
Thanks to the federal community for giving so generously in time and donations. With the help of all these individuals and donors, support was given to local, national and international agencies to improve the quality of life for all.
Cathy Niiro
United Way of Island County