End the animosity toward Emerson

Thanks you for your editorial in the Nov. 19 issue, especially these words: “Emerson remans an elected county commissioner and she represents the majority of voters who threw Democrat John Dean out of office last year after just one term. So what would have been so bad about letting her take her turn as board chairwoman? The two Democrats would still retain control.”

Thanks you for your editorial in the Nov. 19 issue, especially these words: “Emerson remans an elected county commissioner and she represents the majority of voters who threw Democrat John Dean out of office last year after just one term. So what would have been so bad about letting her take her turn as board chairwoman? The two Democrats would still retain control.”

I and many who voted for Emerson are frustrated with commissioners Homola and Price Johnson’s history of pontifications expressing their animosity and lack of approval of Emerson every time they vote for approval of an item that Emerson does not approve.

These unprofessional acts reached a new low with the pretty vile personal attacks against Emerson when voting for the next chair of the Island County Board of Commissioners. Their rudeness was not only an insult to Emerson it was an insult and embarrassment to all Island County citizens.

This was beyond the normal decorum of a county commissioners’ meeting. Kelly Emerson is not subject to their evaluations of her personal performance, especially when done publicly. Kelly Emerson reports to the citizens of Island County; not the other two commissioners. Only the citizens of Island County have the authority with their votes to evaluate her performance.

Never have I seen such a lack of professionalism by elected officials. I hope we never see a repeat performance. We deserve better.

Homala and Price Johnson’s only acceptable move would be to apologize to all and heed your advice:

“A year at the helm would have given Emerson the experience she needs to lead the county if he becomes the senior commissioner in late 2012, as could happen. Homola and Price Johnson are both up for election. All the issues the got John Dean booted out of office will still be in play, and the economy will still be in the tank.”

Bill Strowbridge
Oak Harbor