Edition showed great teamwork, creativity | Letter

Editor, Bravo for the April Fools Edition! An impressive show of creativity, hilarity and teamwork by every member of your news staff.


Bravo for the April Fools Edition! An impressive show of creativity, hilarity and teamwork by every member of your news staff.

Our Whidbey community needs a chance to laugh together, take a deep breath, and smile at each other now and then. It helps us realize we’re all still neighbors, in spite of our differences. I was saddened — only briefly — by the online commenters who proved “haters still gonna hate,” but hey, you gotta admire their tenacity. A little jealous about how much fun your team was having, hmmm?

In the aftermath, your readers are left to ponder, What is the plural of Kraken? Your sports department will need to get it correct before they write “Two Krakii scored in double figures last night…”

Keep laughing.

Bill Walker

Oak Harbor