Dudley ‘s approach needs adjustment | Letters

How come every time I open up the Whidbey News-Times, Mayor Scott Dudley is firing someone? If people were honest they would admit that all politics are a bit of a joke, but this guy takes it to a new level.


How come every time I open up the Whidbey News-Times, Mayor Scott Dudley is firing someone?

If people were honest they would admit that all politics are a bit of a joke, but this guy takes it to a new level.

He wants to surrender part of his salary, speak on the behalf of others and eliminate the health care benefits of council members, and fired pretty much anyone with the audacity to think differently than him.

What really got my attention was when Mr. Dudley admitted that he fired Chris Skinner because of his “resistance to whatever the mayor recommends,” and then goes on to say that he wants individuals who think “outside the box.”

Thinking outside the box does not mean firing every person who does not agree with your politics; it means working with a community of people who all have differing views and making that work for the betterment of the community itself.

As I see it, Mayor Dudley has confused carrying a big stick with speaking softly.

Jimmy Sloan

Oak Harobr