Disclosure not worthless, but lacking some clarity | Letters

Editor, It appears Michael Monson is now in backpedal mode after reading his many complaints and informing the public he never saw or signed any kind of document informing him of “significant” noise possible at the property he purchased.


It appears Michael Monson is now in backpedal mode after reading his many complaints and informing the public he never saw or signed any kind of document informing him of “significant” noise possible at the property he purchased.

Just to be sure, I looked up the word “significant.” It means very important and large enough to be noticed or have an effect, which to me means maybe I should check this out some more.

He was also upset that a Realtor posted the document on line with his initials. This information would have come out sooner or later as any defense attorney worth his salt would investigate to see if he is telling the truth and enter it into evidence.

I feel this information came out sooner than expected and took him by surprise. To say this document is worthless is not true, lacking in clarity possibly.

The other litigants may also want to go back over their claims.

Lastly, if the Navy flew more than it published or expected, it may be due to a thing called “operational commitments.” Perhaps COER could petition the Navy to be included when world situations change and be notified of increased flights, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Mike Van Voorst

Oak Harbor