Deeper crisis if levy fails

I have been told that letters to the editor do not change anyone’s mind. However this matter is so important that I thought I would give it a shot. So you don’t like the commissioners? OK. You don’t approve of some of the decisions they have made. I get that. You don’t like where what little money the county does have is being spent? Many agree with you.

I have been told that letters to the editor do not change anyone’s mind. However this matter is so important that I thought I would give it a shot. So you don’t like the commissioners? OK. You don’t approve of some of the decisions they have made. I get that. You don’t like where what little money the county does have is being spent? Many agree with you.

The problem is, some of these programs are mandated. And the monies do not all come from the same place. Some of the programs are funded by the feds or the state and if the money was not used it would be gone and those programs which do benefit some of us, such as our kids and the 4-H, would also be lost.

More than half the funds the Island County sheriff receives is from our real estate property tax. We have lost five deputies already. If the Island County property tax levy fails, we will lose several more.

What does that mean to us as individuals? It means that when we have an emergency there may not be anyone to help or at least for two to three hours. Do you really want to stand outside your home for two hours, afraid, because there may be someone in your home with a weapon? Or risk your elderly neighbor not having the protection so badly needed when she calls 911?

I understand the economy is bad and many are suffering. I also see that islanders are spending more on Christmas decorations and plants for the yard each year. I see many families continuing to take their kids out for hamburgers and fries at $35 to $40 a pop. And that is great. We all deserve a time out with family. I see people continuing to enjoy $5 coffees each day. That too is deserved and helps keep our economy going.

If we lose these deputies, they will have problems paying their mortgage or rent, buying food and clothes for their kids, thus putting our local merchants at more risk.

Are we really willing to dive down into a deeper crisis for approximately $40 a year? That is the projected cost for the average homeowner to vote “yes” on Island County property tax levy to maintain a safe way of life on our islands.

M. Sue Tingstad
