Businesses on island depend on the Navy | Letters

Editor, All you have to do is watch what is happening with the Boeing Company to understand what will happen to Coupeville and Oak Harbor. The workers voted down their contract and Boeing is looking elsewhere to build its 777.


All you have to do is watch what is happening with the Boeing Company to understand what will happen to Coupeville and Oak Harbor.

The workers voted down their contract and Boeing is looking elsewhere to build its 777.

Drive the Navy away from its training field, and you don’t think there is other towns that will welcome them?

Just like Boeing, there will be other states and towns begging them to come.

You signed a letter, as I did, understanding there was a Navy base here and there would be jet noise.

Do you really think if the Navy leaves the island that nothing will change?

Do you think there will be enough business for Safeway, Albertson’s, Market Place, Walmart, Kmart and all the other businesses on the Island?

If you do, then you’re dreaming.

Navy=JOBS! No Navy Ghost town!

Randy McClaskey

Oak Harbor