In are we better off since the election? Jeff Adams characterizes President Obama as an inept purveyor of hopelessness. Mr. Adams claims (June 25 letter) that President “O” is responsible for national unemployment, our pain at the pump, and growing national debt. What he didn’t mention is how “filthy lucre” buys brainwashing campaigns and steers the economy.
For those who are too young to remember, our national treasury was in surplus and gas (diesel) was only $0.98.9 per gallon (1999) until the big-business dominated, Cheney-led, Bush administration took office. Like Reagan who took our nation from being the world’s biggest lender to being the biggest debtor, they plundered the treasury, doing it with a lie-based war and no-bid contracts for it. If that wasn’t enough, they did it again for war reparations — nearly all going to Cheney’s Halliburton and affiliates. They removed ethical controls on business — while pretending sanctimonious religiosity. They gave billions as bailout money to CEOs who were supposed to use it to boost the economy in time to get them re-elected, but with ethical constraints gone, the CEOs took the money and ran.
Did you get some of that money, Jeff?
Pres. “O” was forced to temporarily continue bailouts. According to news reports, most, if not all, of Obama’s bailouts have been repaid. None of GW’s has.
Republicans control all the things Mr. Adams cites like national unemployment, our pain at the pump, and national debt. They forced rotten provisions to the health care bill and Medicare then condemn both because of them. Once the election was lost, they (treasonously) used their control of business, stock market schemes, and foreign outsourcing, to worsen the nation’s economy. Now our looted treasury surplus is gone right into swelling the Republican campaign war chest. But if that isn’t enough, to defund opposition in the next election, they are determined to further steer the economy as deep into the ditch as they can.
Is there any question why they just walked out of the federal budget resolution conference as election time looms? It’s like pushing a kid into a muddy ditch and laughing at his dirty clothes.
Will Republicans restore our treasury surplus? Some dream you have there, Mr. Adams.
Are these hall-of-shame members your friends? Presidential son/brother Neal Bush (Lincoln S and L scandal), Kenneth Lay (Enron), Arthur Anderson & Stephen Gardner (multi-billion dollar accounting fraud), Martha Stewart (insider trading), Henry Paulson (Republican Treasury Sec. who encouraged corrupt banking), Lehman Brothers (one of many corrupted bankers), Scott Sullivan and Buford Yates (Worldcom), and Bernie Madoff (Ponzi schemer).
Al Williams
Oak Harbor