Brevoort will lead us into the future | Letter

Doris Brevoort, rhymes with report, running for State Representative for the 10th Legislative District, is a refreshing change to the current position holder, Dave Hayes.


Doris Brevoort, rhymes with report, running for State Representative for the 10th Legislative District, is a refreshing change to the current position holder, Dave Hayes. I am voting Brevoort because she is a doer and not afraid of innovation. She gets involved and contributes. She serves on several boards including the Skagit Transit Advisory Board and National Association for Mental Illness board and is a member of the Washington Education Association.

She employs critical thinking in her decision-making. Brevoort knows the 21st Century will be quite different from the 20th Century. She knows what the studies say and that’s why she supports family wage jobs, expanding public transportation, sustainable agriculture and caring for the environment.

She knows that failing to plan for a changing world is planning to fail. She will be much needed change from Hayes, aka “Mr. No,” for his failure to vote for sensible proactive legislation.

There is much more to learn about her. Visit her website, Join me in voting for Doris Brevoort.

Diane Deseck-Piazzon
