Art purchase a waste of money | Letter to editor

Here is the City of Oak Harbor again spending our money when we have other more important bills to pay. Last week, in the Whidbey News-Times, an article I read said that the citizens of Oak Harbor will have to pay for the mistakes that the city council made on the remains of ancient burial site on Pioneer Way. So, the city decided to increase our taxes to pay for their mistake.

Here is the City of Oak Harbor again spending our money when we have other more important bills to pay.

Last week, in the Whidbey News-Times, an article I read said that the citizens of Oak Harbor will have to pay for the mistakes that the city council made on the remains of ancient burial site on Pioneer Way.

So, the city decided to increase our taxes to pay for their mistake.

Now, I read this week that the city wants to buy art work that will cost us $33,000 and “purchase of the art work is funded by tax on utilities.”

Why are we the citizens paying for art work? It seems that each time our city council gets together all they want to do is increase our taxes to pay for some item or mistake that they have created.

Do not get me wrong on the artwork, I like art and enjoy it.

But, to buy any type of art work at this time is just plain stupid. It’s like a person who has outstanding bills and goes out and buys $500 worth of lotto tickets and hopes they win the mega millions.

Then they find-out that they lost. Now they are deeper in debt.

Take a look at the current artwork that is along Pioneer Way, did it bring in customers and open new shops and increase the wellbeing of our town?

By counting the number of empty shops along the street, I do not think the art work is helping.

Artwork is nice to look at, but it does not pay the “city’s” bills.

Quit spending citizens of Oak Harbor tax money on items that do not work.

Clint McNutt

Oak Harbor