All was fine before John Dean

Before John Dean was elected Island County commissioner, my property taxes were half what they are today and the county was economically sound with surpluses for emergencies.

Before John Dean was elected Island County commissioner, my property taxes were half what they are today and the county was economically sound with surpluses for emergencies.

Today, my property values keep dropping yet my taxes went up almost nine percent this year. No matter how much you give them, they just spend it and want more.

The sheriff says they are cutting his budget to dangerous levels where safety is an issue. However, we have hoards to protect the wetlands, tidelands, wildlife, and heaven forbid you try to burn brush.

Forcing taxpayers to live in fear of not only their personal safety but for what toad or lizard might crawl onto a home site (that they might consider endangered) leaving them worthless property suitable only for wildlife habitat for the toad or lizard, they have demonstrated their lack of concern for the taxpayer.

When a group of elected officials leave the taxpayer in fear of their personal and economic safety while leading the county down the road to bankruptcy, they must be replaced. The election of Kelly Emerson as county commissioner is an essential start, but we need to initiate steps to recall the remaining Island County commissioners before the county is beyond economic recovery.

Dale R. Smith

Camano Island