The virtual reality program is designed to supplement the training police receive.
Soroptimist is hosting a conference for high school girls to empower them to pursue career goals.
Oak Harbor residents will notice something unusual on the ballot this year.
For the past seven years, the park’s military fort has turned into something sinister every October.
The heartwarming ceremony honored Chris Stonecipher, an Oak Harbor resident.
Island County Clerk Debra Van Pelt is facing her first opponent in 12 years in office.
The meteor was caught exploding on several doorbell security cameras.
Whidbey farmer raises ancient, white breed of cattle
A beekeeper turned business owner has opened a new shop for local vendors in downtown Oak Harbor.
The Oak Harbor school district is hosting an ally walk from 4-5:15 p.m. on Oct. 21.
Members of an Oak Harbor-based motorcycle club are giving back to the community.
Coupeville is hosting a public workshop on a comprehensive plan to address issues such as housing.
Oak Harbor City Council is having trouble prioritizing its priorities.