Sheriff lifting burn ban on Sunday

Iincreased moisture levels prompted Sheriff Mark Brown to lift the county ban on outdoor burning, starting at 8 a.m. Sunday.

Yard debris and land-clearing burning will be allowed outside of Coupeville, Freeland, Langley and Oak Harbor and their urban grown areas. Permits are required for yard debris and land clearing burning and are issued by the Island County Health Department.

Fires less than four feet in diameter require a verbal permit, which can be obtained by calling 360-240-5526 and listening to the required conditions.

Written permits are required for fires over four feet in diameter. To obtain information about these permits, call 360-679-7350.

Recreational fires less than three feet in diameter and two feet high do not require a permit. Burning garbage and using burn barrels is illegal statewide, and those who do so are subject to fines that can exceed $1,000.

For additional permit information, visit

Those whose property falls under the Department of Natural Resources’ jurisdiction can call 360-856-3500 for burn permit information.