Trump backers will regret their egregious choice


Get a grip, Trump voters. Working class people: do you really believe Donald Trump understands or cares about you? Evangelicals: is this really the kind of person you would hold up as a role model for your children? There has to be a better way to get your needs met than electing a morally bankrupt, pathological liar who was born in New York City with a golden spoon in his mouth, whose lily white hands have never done a lick of manual labor, who has never been a Christian in any sense of the word, and who has a life history of gaming the system, ripping people off, disrespecting just about everyone, and serving only himself.

You trust a man who thinks Climate Change is a hoax created by the Chinese, a man who declares that more tax breaks to the wealthy will help the middle class?

Time is running out for our gas-guzzling civilization. We can’t afford to elect “leaders” who are ignorant, mean-spirited, and regressive, not even for one term. It took Obama two terms to help the nation recover from the damage done by the Bush administration. And now you want the Republicans to take over again, after they lied to us, started a war with horrific consequences, created a recession, and made obstructing Obama and trashing Hillary their goals?

There may be no future for any of us because of the choice you made. America’s moral image will be permanently tarnished in the eyes of the world. You have chosen to believe the lies of Trump, Fox “News”, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and their sleazy ilk rather than educate yourselves and face the truth.

I am a rural dweller who knows what economic struggle and hardship are like. I choose education, inclusiveness, science, and progressive political activism to make a better world. I see clearly the motives of the corporate elite who would have us deny reality for the sake of their sociopathic greed. How can you Trump voters align yourselves with those who would deceive and enslave you instead of with your own highest good? Why can you not see who your real enemies are?

Donald Trump will disgrace the integrity of our nation’s highest office and destroy our grandchildren’s future if left unchecked. As he manifests his true character and reveals his true agenda, you will come to regret your choice with all your hearts.

Heidi Hoelting
