Letter: ‘World Beyond War’ idea deserves consideration


As a 90-year-old who has learned all of the lessons in that period of the damage that comes from not solving human problems, of which war is the most traumatic and serious consequential one, I conclude that it is long past the time to speak up against actions leading to having wars and all of its ramifications.

The continual increasing of the weapons of war, such as the Growler, to add to the already over-supplied military is unnecessary and only increases the potential for using force to solve problems.

Beyond the longer-range benefit of steps to eliminate wars the more important near range result is that the serious consequences that have been widely publicized to Whidbey Island would not occur.

I would add in support of my position the global movement “World Beyond War” as a source of much more information on the reducing and eliminating war and other disputes by negotiation.

Don Richardson,
