Letter: Spate of fires draw attention to issue of overloaded outlets


I just want to personally thank everyone with Whidbey News-Times — the staff, reporters, photographers — the firefighters here on Whidbey Island, and all the people that have reached out to those of us who have had house fires.

I lost my home in October 2016 to a fire and have seen five more since then. It’s devastating; it’s life-changing and it’s so much to try to deal with.

I thank every one of you for continually writing about these fires for people to see that there is an issue with electrical outlets and plugging in too many things, and just being careful and having a fire plan because most of us do not ever even think that we’re going to have a house fire.

That was the last thing that ever crossed my mind. Now I’ve learned about five more fires and of lives lost. I lost my two dogs. Now to learn human lives are being lost, I’m just grateful that my family got out.

My life was forever altered. Everything I worked for my whole life is gone. Without the community, newspapers, my friends, family and strangers, I would not be where I am today. Thank you so much for everything.

Donna Moore

Oak Harbor