Letter: Kavanaugh seems to show reconciliation


This is an open letter to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

First, as an 80-year-old proud citizen of my heritage as an American, but deeply ashamed of the current behavior of our populace, I want to personally and sincerely apologize to you, your wife, daughters and parents.

You have been, and probably will continue to be, subjected to attitudes and behavior that is completely inappropriate for dignified human beings.

Please forgive us even as Christ has forgiven you.

The behavior you have endured, however, is totally consistent with what can be expected when mankind asserts what he perceives as autonomy from his Creator. This behavior is accurately described by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the believers in Rome (Romans 1:16-32). Verses :28-32 depict precisely the result permitted by God for our brazen assertion of autonomy even to the point of self declared gender.

I am a regenerate believer in the Lord Jesus Christ from a Protestant persuasion, and have major differences from you as a Roman Catholic in my understanding in the revealed word of God, of the means by which fallen man can be reconciled with his God, however,

The bottom line is that humility and self-denial are visible characteristics of anyone who has been truly transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. That transformation can only occur by personal acknowledgment of rebellion against God with no possible solution apart from Jesus Christ bearing the full and just penalty for that rebellion on a Roman cross in the rebel’s stead, then personally believing and fully trusting that sacrifice in his own behalf.

This is the only way man can be reconciled to his Creator.

You and your family seem to display the evidence of this reconciliation. The attitude of your youngest daughter is remarkable, assuming her saying that we should pray for the woman making these accusations is truly from her heart, and not just head knowledge from her upbringing. Be encouraged that anyone desiring to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12).

In any case, I admire you deeply, and trust that God will use you and your fellow servants greatly on the court to be part of the means of redirecting our nation to the principles intended by our founding fathers.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart from a fellow believer in our awesome creator and God. And we need not only to pray for Dr. Ford, but for every person who needs to be reconciled to God who does not have the personal relationship available through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Gary C. Robinson

Oak Harbor