Letter: GOP destroying republic, vote for Democrats


Why are we in this Trump/Republican mess? It is because people didn’t vote.

This is partially due to continual voter suppression and lies by the Republican Party.

Trump was elected by 26 percent of the electorate. That means less than one-third of the electorate supports this slide in the quality of our republic.

What’s the answer? Blue wave?

Not if we don’t vote. If you are concerned about what is happening in the government at all levels — and you should be concerned.

You must vote. Republicans at all levels of government vote the “party line” against the best interest of all the people. Dave Hayes, Norma Smith and Rick Hannold are nice people, but they will continue to vote the Republican Party line to the determent of all but the very rich.

Even the rich are not immune to the degradation of the environment caused by Republican ignorance.

Dave Paul, Scott McMullen and Janet St. Clair are also nice people, but they are Democrats, and will work hard to support policies to the betterment of all.

In the State of Washington, you can register to vote in person until Oct. 29.

If you are not registered to vote, please do.

Then vote.

Do not be complacent. Vote for Democrats at all levels.

The Republicans are in the process of destroying our republic. We must not allow this to happen. Vote.

John Stone
