Letter: Campaign was ‘clean,’ while Bailey’s was built on ‘lies’


I want to thank all the people who voted for me and who helped me run an honest, issue-based campaign.

While a majority of voters in every county of Legislative District 10 passed initiatives that supported my stance on raising the minimum wage, strengthening extreme risk protection orders for firearms, and getting corporate money and influence out of government, they simultaneously voted for Barbara Bailey who is on the opposite side of all these issues. I ran a clean, people powered campaign countered by Barbara Bailey’s campaign of lies and slander funded by her big corporate and special interest backers.

I hope that sooner rather than later we can put government back in the hands of people vs. corporations. I remain steadfast in my commitment to community, accountable government and a good quality of life for today and tomorrow’s generations. I will continue to fight for what is right, and hope you will too.

Angie Homola

Candidate for state senator

Legislative District 10

Oak Harbor